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  • communitytechaid

Our Theory of Change

For a plain text version click here.

Over the past 9 months we have been working with Jami Dixon and our volunteers to develop our Theory of Change.

Jami is a an Impact and Evaluation consultant with 15 years of experience working in strategy and research.

We knew that we needed to develop a framework through which we are able to illustrate the change we want to make and understand the long term impact we are hoping to achieve.

Jami supported us to run a session with some of our some of our staff, board and volunteers where we dreamed big! What does a world where everyone has access to a laptop look like? How will Community TechAid grow, and how will we continue to support digital inclusion in our community?*

We know how valuable the work that we do is for people in Lambeth and Southwark, but our Theory of Change has helped us to define our goals and ensure we are on track to achieve our mission.

We expect this to change and evolve as we develop, and we are keen to ensure that this helps to focus our ambition whilst never losing sight of why we exist.

Huge thanks to Jami, and our volunteers for helping us to put it together!

A slightly blurry picture of the team during our workshop!

* Our community are those experiencing digital exclusion in Lambeth and Southwark


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