Thanks to funding from Lambeth Council and the L&Q foundation we are excited to announce the launch of our Digital Skills for Parents programme! We will be working alongside the wonderful ClearCommunityWeb to deliver digital laptops and workshops to parents who are part of the North Lambeth Children's Centres (NLBSA) network.
As the cost of living crisis escalates, many parents in our community are experiencing digital exclusion, desperate to engage in the online world but prevented from doing so. We will support families to access vital services and communications that NLBSA CC provides, supporting improved confidence and wellbeing, in turn enabling their young children to have a better start in life.
These sessions will support parents not just with digital literacy, but open up further opportunities for education and learning. Many job opportunities are now online, and with over 82% jobs now requiring digital skills, these sessions are vital to help increase parent's employability and take part in online learning.
We hope this will be the start of a number of projects with the Lambeth Children's Centres, supporting parents and their families to become digitally included!
If you are interested in running a project with us, please do get in touch!
