In celebration of International Women's Day on the 8th March, we want to spotlight two of our incredible technical volunteers, Bola and Laura.
Bola teaching a volunteer how to replace a laptop battery Laura with Dennis, our office mascot
Interview with Bola
Hi, can you tell us a little more about what you do?
My name is Bola and I am a Senior Technical Operations Volunteer. I apply my skills and knowledge to help organisations with setting up computers. I perform hardware set up including laptops, tablets, mobile phones. I also work on diagnosing, repairing and refurbishing computers.
I recently worked on a project where we had to very quickly turn around a Windows 10 deployment of 25 laptops. It encompassed all of the above. Coordinating the necessary resources and working with the Partnerships & Engagement Manager we were able to achieve this in record time. We went on to facilitate a Digital Skills Workshop to parents experiencing digital exclusion, building and maintaining good working relationships in the process.
When did you become interested in working with technology/in tech?
I had visited a friend at their office and had walked past a room with a huge see through glass panel. The room piqued my interest. When I enquired I was told it is their data processing room. Picking up on my inquisitiveness I was given a very quick tour. The rest as they say is history, going on to study and achieve a National Diploma in Computer Studies. Thereafter, I started my first tech job as a Data Processing Operator, working on projects for Lever Brothers and The Coca-Cola Company.
What interests you the most about the field and what's your area of expertise/interest?
Currently I am a bit of an all rounder and put my skills, knowledge and experience to good use to benefit, especially, those in need of digital support and technology. A way to use my profession to give back to the community I live in and to society at large. We live in a very digital world today and those out of reach of tech, and knowledge to use it safely and securely, are at a disadvantage.
I am looking at renewing my interest in Cyber Security. I'll be looking to see what's out there!
How does it feel to be a woman in this space, do you find it challenging?
For the most part it feels great. I was the only woman in the arena I worked in for quite a long time, being a male-dominated space. When you are outside of the work arena, in a social situation and get asked what you do. People are taken aback when I tell them I work in IT. They have that "Oh, I wasn't expecting that" look written on their faces.
Challenges are no different to other male-dominated spaces. It certainly has its moments. I once walked into a room where I was going to be presenting to do some last minute checks. We had an early arrival already seated. He asked me if I could serve him a coffee with sugar. He had assumed I was there to take beverage orders!
Others encountered - promotion was slow and earned less than my male colleagues. But I love what I do and work to break down barriers where I can, keep my head down and get on with the job as best as I can. To solidify technical credibility, I would advice women coming into tech to be part of a good support network, take up mentorship and professional development programmes, and engage in continuous training.
Thank you so much Bola!
Interview with Laura
Below is a short video with another of our wonderful volunteers, Laura.